Repairing The Screens On Your Home's Windows And Doors

9 January 2023
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog


Winter weather can be hard on your home's screens, and if you did not have storm windows in place, you may find screens with rips and other damage to them. Taking care of screen repairs when the weather starts to warm up will help you get ahead of them and ensure they are ready to use when the weather warms up enough to open the doors and windows. 

Assessing Damage

Before hiring anyone to do screen repairs on your house, take a look at each screen to see if there is any damage to deal with. Make a note of the damage and make a list for your contractor. 

Look for torn material around the edges, damage to the screen mesh, and damage to the rubber seals that hold the screen into the frame. 

Sometimes the screen will look fine, but small tears around the edge can open up later, so you must look carefully at each screen. If you are not sure what to look for, you can have the contractor making the screen repairs go over them for you to ensure nothing gets missed. 

Removing The Screens

Screen repairs are easier when the frame is removed from the window, and the contractor can do that when they arrive. Modern windows use soft mesh screen materials that are flexible but durable and made from fiberglass with a black tint applied to make the screen less visible. 

The frames are typically painted aluminum and sit in a track on the window, allowing easy removal while staying in place throughout the season. The contractor making screen repairs can go around the house and pull the screens and frames out quickly, replace the fiberglass material, then put them back in place. 

Making Repairs

Patching screens are not very common anymore because the fiberglass screen material is inexpensive, and replacing it all at once is often faster and easier. The old material is removed from the frame by removing the retaining seal around the edge of the frame then new material can be laid over the frame, and the rubber seal is reinstalled in the locking groove to hold the new screen material in place. 

The contractor making the screen repairs needs to work carefully when replacing the fabric because if they pull it too tight, it will warp the frame. However, if the material is too loose, it will be baggy and look terrible in the frame. Getting a perfect tension will ensure the frame lays flat and does not twists helps ensure the screens slide into the tracks on the windows and stay in place without any issues throughout the year.

To learn more about screen repairs, reach out to a service provider near you.